Once again, another member of the Updenkelder family decides to jump on the "Blog-waggon". This blog was SUPPOSED to be more of a "photo-journalistic" approach to blogging, since I am very addicted to my Canon DSLR. However, it hasnt seen much use in recent months. Thanks for tuning in! :)

Monday, August 01, 2005

CHiPs Chip and Chips

Yes I realize the play on words is a bit lacking... but I didn't get much sleep last night so bare with me.

So this weekend was another record setter for funny and interesting stories. I will start with Thursday night...

So I was in training for my new job all of last week at the Courtyard out by the Vancouver bridge. I, along with 10 of my fellow executive recruiters, was introduced to all sorts of techniques for successful selling and such. Overall, a great 4 days!

Anyways... Thursday night 3 of the MRI Los Angeles folk and another guy from MRI Santa Cruze wanted to see what Portland night-life was like. Of course, me being the night owl I am, decided to lead the charge and show them all a good time! We started out at PGE park for "Thirsty Thursdays" and had a few $2 beers and watched an exciting baseball game (I think we lost... don't hold me to that". Then I took them all to the popular hangout "Wallbangers" (dueling pianos). This was a good choice considering half of them had never seen dueling pianos! Well a few beers later (yeah ok... and an Irish Car Bomb and a Red-Headed Slut (no comments!) I was drug up on the stage for some bachelorette party. 3 guys in front of the crowd (myself included) danced to the song "if you're happy and you know it...". After the wallbangers crowd had died down... we headed to Greek Cuisina for another round of something that I can't remember drinking... I think it was good! Around 2am or so, I headed home and the sober one drove everyone back to their hotel rooms. Needless to say... Friday morning was welcomed with bottles of water and glazed over eyeballs!

Hrm... Friday... After a LONG day at training (mostly because I was hungover) I headed home to relax! Friday evening was a bit of a cluster... I was supposed to go to On Deck with Kelsey and her b/f. I guess Kelseys b/f (Matt also) was meeting some people there and we were just going to hang out and shoot the breeze. Well we got there and everyone wanted to go to the dance club and I just wasn't feelin it... so i walked home. I then headed to Richards house to play some Halo 2... a wise decision!

Saturday! Early in the day Richard, Mark, Kevin and I went urban golfing at a local elementary school! For those who are not familiar with the term... urban golfing is basically golfing without a course. Today's urban golf course was the Rock Creek elementary School. We started in the field and headed to the playground. Aiming at the slide was a popular hole choice. The winner of the previous hole would set the stage for the next. Everything was going great (and I was even winning!) until Officer Mitchell showed up... Luckily, we just received a warning and were escorted off the property. I wanted to say "well its not like we are going to hit the school! It's a 1 stroke penalty!" but I decided against it!

Later that night, John Abrams flew in to Portland to spend the day with me. John used to work for my dad at Action Business Systems and moved to Phoenix a few years ago. He was going to be in town so I offered him a place to crash. We went to Henry's for a few beers and some pool! Later we ran in to Katy and Bianca, but we decided not to follow them to Greek Cuisina... we just headed back to crash at midnight.

Sunday Sunday Sunday! More urban golfing and fun at the pool! Luckily we managed to avoid the po-po on Sunday, but we managed to anger a few local residents. A couple hours and a couple parks later, we decided to head back to Richards to take a dip in the pool and to play some Texas Hold'em.

Ahh the weekends!


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